Endless Divine Bliss

The two Wings to Endless Divine Bliss: Purify your ego and keep on the Path respecting everybody rights with great Patience.

The Titmouse and the Dove (Tale)

 Tell me how much does a snowflake weigh? the Titmouse asked the dove. “Nothing else but nothing,” was the reply.

And the Titmouse then told the dove a story: “I was on the branch of a fir tree when it started to snow. Not a storm, no, just like a dream, gently, without violence. Since I had nothing better to do, I started counting the snowflakes that fell on the branch where I was standing. 3,751,952 fell. When the 3,751,953 fell on the branch (nothing else but nothing, as you said), it broke.” With that, the titmouse flew away.

The dove, an authority on peace since the time of a certain Noah, thought for a moment and finally said to herself: “Perhaps there is only one person missing for everything to change and for the world to live in peace

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