Science vs. Religion: The Debate Ends

By Abdulla Galadari

Science and religion seem to have been at odds with each other throughout history. This has
affected the course of humanity and how society has prejudice towards either science or religion. Atheist scientists believe in what they know because they believe in reason and think that theists are unreasonable. The paper brings the problems facing humanity today between science, religion, and secularism within societies. The followers of each could be fanatics of their own group.

The paper tries to reconcile the debate between atheists and theists, under the microscope of science. This study makes an analogy of G-d and gravity. It shows that the power of reason used by scientists to deduce gravity is the exact same reasoning that theists use to believe in G-d. The study goes beyond philosophical arguments and travels deep into the core principles of the human intellect of scientists and theologians to understand what they believe. It unravels the truth behind the reasoning of why different humans believe in what appears to be completely different things. The study uses elements of modern science and its cosmological worldview, such as singularity, spacetime, black holes, and quantum physics. It shows parallelism of modern scientific theories with various world Scriptures, such as Hindu and Islamic texts. This study does not argue the truth of any specific religion, but rather argues
the existence of G-d from a broader perspective, using the exact same principles scientists use to formulate their worldview of the universe. This study shows the rationality and irrationality in the argumentative battle between science and religion. It attempts to end the debate and dispute between science and religion by understanding the truths behind them. It concludes that anyone who believes that the other is wrong is irrational, and that in reality science and religion complement one another. A theologian must also be a scientist, and a scientist must also be a theologian Read Here

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